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4 10 Work Days

  • August 15, 2023 7:58 AM
    Reply # 13241041 on 13239445

    West Valley City has a four 10's schedule. The schedule is Monday-Thursday 7am-6pm. This is for all our city buildings. If there are emergencies on Friday-Sunday employees can reach out to us in HR but most items can wait until Monday. 

    This has been major for retention, especially when we can't offer salaries that private sector employers can offer. 

    We have eleven paid holidays at 10 hours per holiday (110 hours per year). Fire employees receive 132 holiday hours per year. 

    Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 

  • August 14, 2023 4:33 PM
    Reply # 13240813 on 13239445

    Ivins City mirrors Shauna Greer's response.  

    Regarding the impact on culture, the flexibility in schedules has had a very positive impact.  Going back to 8 hour days 5 days a week would not be welcome; I predict lower morale and think some employees would consider other employment if the flexibility were taken away.

  • August 14, 2023 11:19 AM
    Reply # 13240638 on 13239445
    Shauna Greer

    We do allow 4 tens for some positions. Our Public Works all do 4 tens and they alternate which days they get off. So some get Mondays off and some get Fridays off. We also have some in city hall that work 4 tens. It depends on if they have coverage on the off days to be allowed to work 4 tens. We have some that work 5 eights because they don't have coverage in their department. In the HR dept I have 2 employees that do 4 tens, one takes mondays off and the other fridays. I work 4 nines and a 4 hour day on Fridays. I chose this schedule because I was getting called and working on Fridays anyway. 

    Because we have a variety of schedules in one building we have had morale issues due to this. We have also had issues with coverages over the years, for example when an employee is off for their Friday and another employee calls in sick. We have considered taking away the 4 tens option but know that also would hurt morale. I would say employees having flexibility has been huge for employees. However, we have also found employee that work the 4 tens don't truly work ten hour days. Most come in at 7AM but our offices don't open until 8AM. There have been concern about people not actually working that first hour. Working on solutions to combat this. 

    We still pay 8 hours for holiday pay. Those that work 10 or 9 hour days are required to make up the time or use vacation. If the holiday falls on the employees monday off, they typically have the tuesday off that week. Which again can cause some coverage issues. 

    We have been doing this since before I started. So I'm not sure about the impact it had on culture. 

  • August 10, 2023 4:21 PM
    Message # 13239445

    I wanted to inquire about if your entity offers the option for employees to work 4 10-hour days instead of the traditional five-day workweek. 

    Could you kindly provide me with information about  the potential benefits you have noticed, eligibility criteria, and any other detail related to this option. 

    I'm really interested how holidays are calculated, what are your cities hours of operation, and do you have a policy on this?  

    Did you culture switch when you implemented this option? (positive or negative) 

PSHRA Utah (Email) 

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