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PSHRA Utah Job Posting Policy

The PSHRA Utah Chapter works to assist members in their career development and advancement. As such, we would like to assist our members in filling Human Resource vacancies within their agencies by offering advertising of applicable positions through our Job Posting service. Positions eligible for Job Posting include any level of Human Resources / Payroll / Personnel Management within a government, public service or non-profit organization. 

A Job Posting Includes:

·          1 position, posted for 30 days on the PSHRA Utah chapter website (banner ad, plus a link on the job board listings);


·          1 Email communication announcing the position to our entire contact list of over 350 Utah-based Public Sector HR Professionals.

For PSHRA Utah Chapter Members:

PSHRA Utah Chapter Members can request one Job Posting per year to be posted as a courtesy. Additional Job Postings (or a reposting of the same position) can be requested for $75.00 each.

We kindly request that agencies with multiple chapter members who wish to repost a position previously posted for free pay the discounted repost fee, regardless of who is requesting the posting. 

For Non-members and Discounted (Agency & Student) Members:

$150.00 per new Job Posting, $100.00 to repost a previous Job Posting (the exact same banner/job board posting and email communication).

All positions will be screened by a Utah Chapter Board member prior to posting to ensure that the advertisement meets criteria appropriate for the needs of the Chapter and its members.

Posting a Job

If you wish to post a job opening on our website, please Contact Us with the desired posting and application close dates as well as any special conditions, and attach a PDF or WORD file with the job announcement to be linked to the website posting.

IMPORTANT– Please provide the following information in the email along with an attached WORD/PDF document:

Name of Agency
Job Title
Location of Job
Closing Date

We will post the job as soon as possible (or on the specified date if later), and you will receive an invoice from PSHRA Utah within two business days. We currently accept online payment (preferred) or by check (payable to: PSHRA Utah), and require payment by 30 days after posting. 

For payment questions, please contact us at pshrautah@gmail.com

PSHRA Utah (Email) 

Current President: Jill Tew

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